In the Bunny Room we provide a happy and warm environment to ensure a safe and secure transition from the Baby Room.
Babies are gradually introduced with visits to ensure they are familiar with their new room. We have a wide variety of toys to encourage walking, balancing and gross motor skills.
A large selection of fine manipulative and hand/eye co-ordination toys are always available. Craft, water and messy play are incorporated into our routines.
We use our large outdoor play area daily to encourage all aspects of physical development. Music, movement and singing is included in our day with quiet times introducing the concept of books and colours. These activities with adults and peers encourage language, social and interactive skills.
Lunch is provided and after lunch most of the children have a sleep either in the cot room or on cushions supervised by a member of staff. Tea is provided as a light afternoon snack as many parents wish to eat tea later with their children.
We follow a programme of development from the Early Years Foundation Stage and provide activities which give children a wide range of learning opportunities.
Parents evenings are held out of Nursery opening hours to enable you to discuss your child’s progress on a one to one basis with staff.